Thursday, December 19, 2013

Flame App Project

Lots of illustrations this week! The last part of this weeks assignment was to use an online application called Flame to illustrate two images that convey some sort of emotion. Anxiety! Agitation! I sure felt them on this one!

I like Flame. It is a neat little app that can do a lot of cool things. I just had a hard time thinking of something to illustrate. Playing around with the settings and such did not result in any spontaneous images worthy of the save command. My first image came from using the speed and focus functions in Flame. I liked how I was getting squiggly lines, and thought of agitation or anxiety (maybe mine!) Also, I liked the idea of having two separate elements fighting for your attention. So my first image is of two separate elements either agitating each other or being agitated at the thought of being separated (we will never know!). I needed a more concrete idea for my second image, and it came to me while I was waiting for my son to get out of football practice. There was a bare tree standing in front of my parked car, and I thought of using that image for my next scribble. I like how easy it is to make quick fluid strokes in Flame, so I sketched the tree and had the leaves get blown off in a great sweeping motion. I also like the idea of that last leaf hanging on for dear life as the others get swept away! To me that would be very... agitating. :)

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