Thursday, December 19, 2013

Scribbler One Project

This week part of my assignment was to draw two images using Scribbler, a free online application that generates digital art from my simple illustrations. The software uses math to compose lines, composition, and colors based on the settings that I input. This is called generative art.

I really enjoyed Scribbler. It was fun learning and playing around with the settings to get the results that I wanted. For my first image I chose a skull, because I wanted something that would visually catch your attention. Also, it is very seasonal with Halloween coming up next week. I used mainly blacks and reds to make the picture dramatic. I had to think a bit for the second image, but thought that the skull represents death, so I scribbled a flower to represent life (deep, huh). This image I used mainly greens, and tossed in a little red to have it relate to the skull image.

And to keep things related to my beer blog, in between life and death, there is beer! Salute!

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