Thursday, December 19, 2013

Urban Landscape Project

IMG_0562_Edited by billdelo3
IMG_0562_Edited, a photo by billdelo3 on Flickr.
I took my iPhone 4S in hand and started my research for the beer blog. I traveled all over Downtown Toledo searching far and wide, taking pictures of urban landscapes that coincidentally needed to be taken for a "side project". I ended up in Sylvania, and I captured this image of the railroad tracks off Monroe near Main Street. The picture is 2448 x 3264 pixels in size. When I multiply both these numbers I get 7,990,272 pixels. That's a lot of pixels! My iPhone 4S is listed as an 8 megapixel device, so I can either sue Apple for the remaining 9,728 pixels or I can round that number up to 8,000,000. I feel assured that my camera was set to the full 8 megapixel resolution since 8 megapixels is 8 million. This also means that there was no interpolation of pixels and I didn't get any "invented" pixels shoved in there to make it look like an 8 megapixel image.

I have to admit that even though the picture is interesting, it's just an image of some railroad tracks. So when I imported this photo into Pixlr Express (a little secret I just learned about), I cranked up the contrast to make all those rich textures jump out at you. I then applied an effect from the "Too Old" series to make it a black & white image with just a touch of light blue. This light blue gives the image a cooler temperature effect. As interesting as the image was becoming, it still lacked some color. So I applied a few overlays - Dreamscape and Spiderweb - to give it that splash of color. After that, I knew it needed a caption, but what? I finally came up with "Destination Unknown" and set it in the Impact Label type font. I think the final result is one that evokes a feeling of an endless journey, but hope is waiting out there past the horizon. Like that elusive brew I need to find, so I can write a post that actually reflects the blog topic…;)

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