Thursday, December 19, 2013

Word Cloud Project

My final image for this week is one based on, yep you guessed it, beer! This time I took an image and converted it into Word Clouds (or Tag Clouds) using an online app called Tagxedo. I used the same image that I used for the ASCII artwork. I wanted to see what kind of results I would get using the same image for two completely different processes. Again, I did a little tweaking on the image to make sure the contrast was right when I imported it into Tagxedo for my shape. I used the word 'beer', and the letters B, E, and R for the text. I pretty much played around with the settings until I got an image I felt looked well composed. I really like how the word 'BEER' is positioned on the glass, and it gives a good focal point. The colors were based on the color of beer, so the image fits pretty well on my blog.

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